ACM CCS 2015

22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

The Denver Marriot City Center, Denver, Colorado, US

October 12-16, 2015

  • Aspens
  • Pikes
  • Denver Skyline
  • Welcome to Colorado
  • Denver Museum of Nature and Science
  • Denver
  • Garden
                of the Gods
  • Rocky Mountain National Park


For PDF version of the program, please click here.

For CCS 2015 Proceedings OpenTOC, please click here

CCS 2015 Pre-Conference Workshops, Monday October 12

6:45 – 8:00

Breakfast and Registration (Colorado Foyer and Central Registration Area)



WPES 2015

SafeConfig 2015

WISCS 2015

MTD 2015

8:00 – 8:20

Opening Remarks & Logistics

8:20 – 8:30

Short Break for Setup

8:30 – 10:45

Session 1A

Session 1B

Session 1C

Session 1D

Session 1E

10:45 – 11:10

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)

11:10 – 12:30

Session 2A

Session 2B

Session 2C

Session 2D

Session 2E

12:30 – 2:00


2:00 – 3:40

Session 3A

Session 3B

Session 3C

Session 3D

Session 3E

3:40 – 4:00

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)

4:00 – 6:00

Session 4A

Session 4B

Session 4C

Session 4D

Session 4E

End of CCS 2015 Pre-Conference Workshops



CCS 2015 Main Conference, Tuesday October 13







Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks

6:45 – 8:00

Breakfast and Registration (Colorado Foyer & Central Registration Area)

8:00 – 8:20

Opening Remarks (Colorado A – E)

8:30 – 9:30

Keynote Speech – Dr. Edward Felten (Colorado A – E); Session Chair: Indrajit Ray

9:30 – 9:50

Short Break for Room Setup


Session 1A

How Real World Crypto Fails

Session 1B

iOS and MAC OS Security

Session 1C

Censorship and Resistance

Fraud Detection through Graph-Based User Behavior Modeling —   

Alex Beutel (Carnegie Melon University); Leman Akoglu (Stony Brook University); Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie Melon University)


Session Chair - Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt)

Session Chair - Kapil Singh (IBM Research)

Session Chair - Hamed Okhravi (MIT Lincoln Labs)

9:55 – 10:20

Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice

Cracking App Isolation on Apple: Unauthorized Cross-App Resource Access on MAC OS X and iOS

Seeing through Network Protocol Obfuscation

David Adrian (Univ. of Michigan); Karthikeyan Bhargavan (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt); Zakir Durumeric (Univ. of Michigan); Pierrick Gaudry (INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, CNRS and Université de Lorraine); Matthew Green (Johns Hopkins Univ.); J. Alex Halderman (Univ. of Michigan); Nadia Heninger (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Drew Springall (Univ. of Michigan); Emmanuel Thomé (INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, CNRS and Université de Lorraine); Luke Valenta (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Benjamin VanderSloot (Univ. of Michigan); Eric Wustrow (Univ. of Michigan); Santiago Zanella-Béguelin (Microsoft Research); Paul Zimmermann (INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, CNRS and Université de Lorraine)

Luyi Xing (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Xiaolong Bai (Indiana Univ. Bloomington & Tsinghua Univ.); Tongxin Li (Peking Univ.); XiaoFeng Wang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Kai Chen (Indiana Univ. Bloomington & Chinese Academy of Sciences); Xiaojing Liao (Georgia Institute of Technology); Shi-Min Hu (Tsinghua Univ.); Xinhui Han (Peking Univ.)

Liang Wang (Univ. of Wisconsin); Kevin P. Dyer (Portland State Univ.); Aditya Akella (Univ. of Wisconsin); Thomas Ristenpart (Univ. of Wisconsin); Thomas Shrimpton (Portland State Univ.)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 1A

How Real World Crypto Fails

Session 1B

iOS and MAC OS Security

Session 1C

Censorship and Resistance

Fraud Detection through Graph-Based User Behavior Modeling —   

Alex Beutel (Carnegie Melon University); Leman Akoglu (Stony Brook University); Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie Melon University)



Session Chair - Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt)

Session Chair - Kapil Singh (IBM Research)

Session Chair - Hamed Okhravi (MIT Lincoln Labs)

10:20 – 10:45

Ciphertext-only Cryptanalysis on Hardened Mifare Classic Cards

iRiS: Vetting Private API Abuse in iOS Applications

CacheBrowser: Bypassing Chinese Censorship without Proxies Using Cached Content

Carlo Meijer (Radboud University); Roel Verdult (Radboud University)

Zhui Deng (Purdue Univ.); Brendan Saltaformaggio (Purdue Univ.); Xiangyu Zhang (Purdue Univ.); Dongyan Xu (Purdue Univ.)

John A. Holowczak (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst); Amir Houmansadr (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst)

10:45 – 11:10

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)


Session 2A

Authenticated Encryption

Session 2B

Android & Web Forensics

Session 2C

Password Security

Fraud Detection through Graph-Based User Behavior Modeling —   

Alex Beutel (Carnegie Melon University); Leman Akoglu (Stony Brook University); Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie Melon University)



Session Chair - Moti Yung (Google Inc. & Columbia Univ.)

Session Chair - Danfeng Yao (Virginia Tech.)

Session Chair – Joseph Bonneau (Stanford Univ. & EFF)

11:10 – 11:35

Automated Analysis and Synthesis of Authenticated Encryption Schemes

GUITAR: Piecing Together Android App GUIs from Memory Images

Monte Carlo Strength Evaluation: Fast and Reliable Password Checking

Viet Tung Hoang (Univ. of Maryland, Georgetown Univ.); Jonathan Katz (Univ. of Maryland); Alex J. Malozemoff (Univ. of Maryland)

Brendan Saltaformaggio (Purdue Univ.); Rohit Bhatia (Purdue Univ.); Zhongshu Gu (Purdue Univ.); Xiangyu Zhang (Purdue Univ.); Dongyan Xu (Purdue Univ.)

Matteo Dell'Amico (Symantec Research Labs); Maurizio Filippone (Univ. of Glasgow)

11:35 – 12:00

Leakage-Resilient Authentication and Encryption from Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives

WebCapsule: Towards a Lightweight Forensic Engine for Web Browsers

Surpass: System-initiated user-replaceable passwords

Olivier Pereira (Universite catholique de Louvain); Francois-Xavier Standaert (Universite catholique de Louvain); Srinivas Vivek (Univ. of Luxembourg & Univ. of Bristol)

Christopher Neasbitt (Univ. of Georgia); Bo Li (Univ. of Georgia); Roberto Perdisci (Univ. of Georgia); Long Lu (Stony Brook Univ.); Kapil Singh (IBM Research); Kang Li (Univ. of Georgia)

Jun Ho Huh (Honeywell ACS Labs); Seongyeol Oh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.); Hyoungshick Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.); Konstantin Beznosov (Univ. of British Columbia); Apurva Mohan (Honeywell ACS Labs); Raj Rajagopalan (Honeywell ACS Labs)









Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 2A

Authenticated Encryption

Session 2B

Android & Web Forensics

Session 2C

Password Security



Session Chair - Moti Yung (Google Inc. & Columbia Univ.)

Session Chair - Danfeng Yao (Virginia Tech.)

Session Chair – Joseph Bonneau (Stanford Univ. & EFF)

12:00 – 12:25

GCM-SIV: Full Nonce Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption at Under One Cycle per Byte

VCR: App-Agnostic Recovery of Photographic Evidence from Android Device Memory Images

Optimal Distributed Password Verification

Shay Gueron (Univ. of Haifa); Yehuda Lindell (Bar-Ilan Univ.)

Brendan Saltaformaggio (Purdue Univ.); Rohit Bhatia (Purdue Univ.); Zhongshu Gu (Purdue Univ.); Xiangyu Zhang (Purdue Univ.); Dongyan Xu (Purdue Univ.)

Jan Camenisch (IBM Research - Zurich); Anja Lehmann (IBM Research - Zurich); Gregory Neven (IBM Research - Zurich)

12:30 – 2:00

Lunch (Colorado F – J)


Session 3A

Using Cryptocurrency

Session 3B

Memory Randomization

Session 3C

Wireless and VoLTE Security



Session Chair - Taesoo Kim (Georgia Inst. of Tech.)

Session Chair - Long Lu (Stony Brook Univ.)

Session Chair - Yao Liu (Univ. of South Florida)

2:00 – 2:25

How to Use Bitcoin to Play Decentralized Poker

It's a TRAP: Table Randomization and Protection against Function Reuse Attacks

Location-restricted Service Access Control Leveraging Pinpoint Waveforming

Ranjit Kumaresan (MIT); Tal Moran (IDC Herzliya); Iddo Bentov (Technion)

Stephen Crane (Univ. of California, Irvine); Stijn Volckaert (Universiteit Gent); Felix Schuster (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Christopher Liebchen (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Per Larsen (Univ. of California, Irvine); Lucas Davi (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Thorsten Holz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Bjorn De Sutter (Universiteit Gent); Michael Franz (Univ. of California, Irvine)

Tao Wang (Univ. of South Florida); Yao Liu (Univ. of South Florida); Qingqi Pei (Xidian Univ.); Tao Hou (Univ. of South Florida)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 3A

Using Cryptocurrency

Session 3B

Memory Randomization

Session 3C

Wireless and VoLTE Security



Session Chair - Taesoo Kim (Georgia Inst. of Tech.)

Session Chair - Long Lu (Stony Brook Univ.)

Session Chair - Yao Liu (Univ. of South Florida)

2:25 – 2:50

Micropayments for Decentralized Currencies

Heisenbyte: Thwarting Memory Disclosure Attacks using Destructive Code Reads

SafeDSA: Safeguard Dynamic Spectrum Access against Fake Secondary Users

Rafael Pass (Cornell Tech); Abhi Shelat (U Virginia)

Adrian Tang (Columbia Univ.); Simha Sethumadhavan (Columbia Univ.); Salvatore Stolfo (Columbia Univ.)

Xiaocong Jin (Arizona State Univ.); Jingchao Sun (Arizona State Univ.); Rui Zhang (Univ. of Hawaii); Yanchao Zhang (Arizona State Univ.)

2:50 – 3:15

Liar, Liar, Coins on Fire! --- Penalizing Equivocation By Loss of Bitcoins

Timely Rerandomization for Mitigating Memory Disclosures

Insecurity of Voice Solution VoLTE in LTE Mobile Networks

Tim Ruffing (CISPA, Saarland Univ.); Aniket Kate (CISPA, Saarland Univ.); Dominique Schröder (CISPA, Saarland Univ.)

David Bigelow (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); Thomas Hobson (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); Robert Rudd (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); William Streilein (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); Hamed Okhravi (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

Chi-Yu Li (UCLA); Guan-Hua Tu (UCLA); Chunyi Peng (OSU); Zengwen Yuan (UCLA); Yuanjie Li (UCLA); Songwu Lu (UCLA); Xinbing Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)

3:15 – 3:40

Traitor Deterring Schemes: Using Bitcoin as Collateral for  Digital Content

ASLR-Guard: Stopping Address Space Leakage for Code Reuse Attacks

Breaking and Fixing VoLTE: Exploiting Hidden Data Channels and Mis-implementations

Aggelos Kiayias (National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens); Qiang Tang (Univ. of Connecticut);

Kangjie Lu (Georgia Institute of Technology); Chengyu Song (Georgia Institute of Technology); Byoungyoung Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology); Simon P. Chung (Georgia Institute of Technology); Taesoo Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology); Wenke Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Hongil Kim (KAIST); Dongkwan Kim (KAIST); Minhee Kwon (KAIST); HyungSeok Han (KAIST); Yeongjin Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology); Dongsu Han (KAIST); Taesoo Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology); Yongdae Kim (KAIST)

3:40 – 4:00

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 4A

Applied Cryptography

Session 4B

Software Vulnerabilities

Session 4C

Assessing Current Defenses



Session Chair - Dario Fiore (IMDEA Software Inst.)

Session Chair - Mathias Payer (Purdue University)

Session Chair - Kun Sun (College of William & Mary)

4:00 – 4:25

Defeating IMSI Catchers

Static Detection of Packet Injection Vulnerabilities -- A Case for Identifying Attacker-controlled Implicit Information Leaks

UCognito: Private Browsing without Tears

Fabian van den Broek (Radboud Univ. Nijmegen); Roel Verdult (Radboud Univ. Nijmegen); Joeri de Ruiter (Univ. of Birmingham)

Qi Alfred Chen (Univ. of Michigan); Zhiyun Qian (Univ. of California Riverside); Yunhan Jack Jia (Univ. of Michigan); Yuru Shao (Univ. of Michigan); Z. Morley Mao (Univ. of Michigan)

Meng Xu  (Georgia Institute of Technology); Yeongjin Jang  (Georgia Institute of Technology); Xinyu Xing  (Georgia Institute of Technology); Taesoo Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology); Wenke Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology)

4:25 – 4:50

DEMOS-2: Scalable E2E Verifiable Elections without Random Oracles

Unearthing Stealthy Program Attacks Buried in Extremely Long Execution Paths

Security by Any Other Name: On the Effectiveness of Provider Based Email Security

Aggelos Kiayias (National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens); Thomas Zacharias (National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens); Bingsheng Zhang (Lancaster Univ.)

Xiaokui Shu (Virginia Tech); Danfeng (Daphne) Yao (Virginia Tech); Naren Ramakrishnan (Virginia Tech)

Ian Foster (Univ. of California, San Diego); Jon Larson (Univ. of California, San Diego); Max Masich (Univ. of California, San Diego); Alex C. Snoeren (Univ. of California, San Diego); Stefan Savage (Univ. of California, San Diego); Kirill Levchenko (Univ. of California, San Diego)

4:50 – 5:15

Subversion-Resilient Signature Schemes

From Collision To Exploitation: Unleashing Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities in Linux Kernel

Certified PUP: Abuse in Authenticode Code Signing

Giuseppe Ateniese (Sapienza Univ. of Rome); Bernardo Magri (Sapienza Univ. of Rome); Daniele Venturi (Sapienza Univ. of Rome)

Wen Xu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Juanru Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Junliang Shu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Wenbo Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Tianyi Xie (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Yuanyuan Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Dawu Gu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)

Platon Kotzias (IMDEA Software Institute); Srdjan Matic (Universita degli Studi di Milano); Richard Rivera (IMDEA Software Institute); Juan Caballero (IMDEA Software Institute)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 4A

Applied Cryptography

Session 4B

Software Vulnerabilities

Session 4C

Assessing Current Defenses



Session Chair - Dario Fiore (IMDEA Software Inst.)

Session Chair - Ben Livshits (Microsoft Research)

Session Chair - Roberto Perdisci (Univ. of Georgia)

5:15 – 5:40

Walls Have Ears! Opportunistically Communicating Secret Messages Over the Wiretap Channel: from Theory to Practice

VCCFinder: Finding Potential Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Projects to Assist Code Audits

A Multi-Modal Neuro-Physiological Study of Phishing Detection and Malware Warnings

Qian Wang (Wuhan Univ.); Kui Ren (The State Univ. of New York at Buffalo); Guancheng Li (Wuhan Univ.); Chenbo Xia (Wuhan Univ.); Xiaobing Chen (Wuhan Univ.); Zhibo Wang (Wuhan Univ.); Qin Zou (Wuhan Univ.)

Henning Perl (Fraunhofer FKIE); Daniel Arp (Universität Göttingen); Sergej Dechand (Universität Bonn); Fabian Yamaguchi (Universität Göttingen); Sascha Fahl (Saarland University); Yasemin Acar (Saarland University); Konrad Rieck (Universität Göttingen); Matthew Smith (Universität Bonn)

Ajaya Neupane (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham); Md. Lutfor Rahman (Marvin Technologies); Nitesh Saxena (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham); Leanne Hirshfield (Syracuse Univ.)






5:45 – 6:45


CCS Business Meeting


7:00 – 9:00

Poster Session; Conference Reception and Cocktail (Colorado F – J)









Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks

6:45 – 8:00

Breakfast and Registration (Colorado Foyer and Central Registration Area)

8:30 – 9:30

Keynote Speech – Dr. Moti Yung (Colorado A – E); Session Chair: Trent Jaeger

9:30 – 9:50

Short Break


Session 5A

Computing on Encrypted Data

Session 5B

Understanding Android Apps

Session 5C

Scanning the Web

Program Analysis for Mobile Application Integrity —  Marco Pistoia (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)


Session Chair – Florian Kerschbaum (SAP)

Session Chair – Gang Tan (Lehigh Univ.)

Session Chair – Amir Houmansadr (Univ. of Mass.)

9:55 – 10:20

Efficient Genome-Wide, Privacy-Preserving Similar Patient Query based on Private Edit Distance

Towards Automatic Generation of Security-Centric Descriptions for Android Apps

A Search Engine Backed by Internet-Wide Scanning

Xiao Shaun Wang (Univ. of Maryland); Yan Huang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Yongan Zhao (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Haixu Tang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Xiaofeng Wang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Diyue Bu (Indiana Univ. Bloomington)

Mu Zhang (NEC Laboratories America); Yue Duan (Syracuse Univ.); Qian Feng (Syracuse Univ.); Heng Yin (Syracuse Univ.)

Zakir Durumeric (Univ. of Michigan); David Adrian (Univ. of Michigan); Ariana Mirian (Univ. of Michigan); Michael Bailey (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); J. Alex Halderman (Univ. of Michigan)

10:20 – 10:45

GRECS: Graph Encryption for Approximate Shortest Distance Queries

AUTOREB: Automatically Understanding the Review-to-Behavior Fidelity in Android Applications

Sunlight: Fine-grained Targeting Detection at Scale with Statistical Confidence

Xianrui Meng (Boston Univ.); Seny Kamara (Microsoft Research); Kobbi Nissim (Ben-Gurion Univ.); George Kollios (Boston Univ.)

Deguang Kong (Samsung Research America); Lei Cen (Purdue Univ.); Hongxia Jin (Samsung Research America)

Mathias Lecuyer (Columbia Univ.); Riley Spahn (Columbia Univ.); Yannis Spiliopoulos (Columbia Univ.); Augustin Chaintreau (Columbia Univ.); Roxana Geambasu  (Columbia Univ.); Daniel Hsu (Columbia Univ.)

10:45 – 11:05

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 6A

Garbled Circuits

Session 6B

Web Application Security

Session 6C

Property Preserving Encryption

Program Analysis for Mobile Application Integrity —  Marco Pistoia (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)


Session Chair - Yan Huang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington)

Session Chair - Adam Doupé (Arizona State Univ.)

Session Chair - Yinqian Zhang (Ohio State Univ.)

11:10 – 11:35

Fast Garbling of Circuits Under Standard Assumptions

FlowWatcher: Defending against Data Disclosure Vulnerabilities in Web Applications

Inference Attacks on Property-Preserving Encrypted Databases

Shay Gueron (Univ. of Haifa and Intel); Yehuda Lindell (Bar Ilan Univ.); Ariel Nof (Bar Ilan Univ.); Benny Pinkas (Bar Ilan Univ.)

Divya Muthukumaran (Imperial College London); Dan O'Keeffe (Imperial College London); Christian Priebe (Imperial College London); David Eyers (Univ. of Otago); Brian Shand (NCRS, Public Health England); Peter Pietzuch (Imperial College London)

Muhammad Naveed (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Seny Kamara (Microsoft Research); Charles V Wright (Portland State Univ.)

11:35 – 12:00

Blazing Fast 2PC in the Offline/Online Setting with Security for Malicious Adversaries

Detecting and Exploiting Second Order Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities in Web Applications

Frequency-Hiding Order-Preserving Encryption

Yehuda Lindell (Bar-Ilan Univ.); Ben Riva (Bar-Ilan Univ.)

Oswaldo Olivo (The Univ. of Texas at Austin); Isil Dillig (The Univ. of Texas at Austin); Calvin Lin (The Univ. of Texas at Austin)

Florian Kerschbaum (SAP)

12:00 – 12:25

Fast and Secure Three-party Computation: The Garbled Circuit Approach

Inlined Information Flow Monitoring for JavaScript

Leakage-Abuse Attacks Against Searchable Encryption

Payman Mohassel (Yahoo Labs); Mike Rosulek (Oregon State Univ.); Ye Zhang (Penn State Univ.)

Andrey Chudnov (Stevens Institute of Technology); David A. Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology)

David Cash (Rutgers Univ.); Paul Grubbs (Cornell Univ., SkyHigh Networks); Jason Perry (Rutgers Univ.); Thomas Ristenpart (Univ. of Wisconsin)

12:30 – 2:00

Lunch (Colorado F – J)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 7A


Session 7B

Analyzing Obfuscated Code

Session 7C

Online Social Networks



Session Chair – Abhi Shelat (Univ. of Virginia)

Session Chair – Juan Caballero (IMDEA Software Inst.)

Session Chair – Nick Nikiforakis (Stony Brook Univ.)

2:00 – 2:25

Nonoutsourceable Scratch-Off Puzzles to Discourage Bitcoin Mining Coalitions

Symbolic Execution of Obfuscated Code

Face/Off: Preventing Privacy Leakage From Photos in Social Networks

Andrew Miller (Univ. of Maryland); Ahmed Kosba (Univ. of Maryland); Elaine Shi (Cornell Univ.); Jonathan Katz (Univ. of Maryland)

Babak Yadegari (Univ. of Arizona); Saumya Debray  (Univ. of Arizona)

Panagiotis Ilia (FORTH); Iasonas Polakis (Columbia Univ.); Elias Athanasopoulos (FORTH); Federico Maggi (Politecnico di Milano); Sotiris Ioannidis (FORTH)

2:25 – 2:50

Tampering with the Delivery of Blocks and Transactions in Bitcoin

CoDisasm : Medium scale concatic disassembly of self-modifying binaries with overlapping instructions

CrowdTarget: Target-based Detection of Crowdturfing in Online Social Networks

Arthur Gervais (ETH Zurich); Hubert Ritzdorf (ETH Zurich); Ghassan O. Karame (NEC Laboratories Europe); Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich)

Guillaume Bonfante (Université de Lorraine); José Fernandez (Ecole Politechnique, Canada); Jean-Yves Marion (Université de Lorraine); Rouxel (Université de Lorraine); Sabatier (INRIA); Thierry (Université de Lorraine)

Jonghyuk Song (Samsung Electronics); Sangho Lee (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology); Jong Kim (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology)

2:50 – 3:15

Demystifying Incentives In The Consensus Computer

LOOP: Logic-Oriented Opaque Predicate Detection in Obfuscated Binary Code

Exploiting Temporal Dynamics in Sybil Defenses

Loi Luu (National Univ. of Singapore); Jason Teutsch (National Univ. of Singapore); Raghav Kulkarni (National Univ. of Singapore); Prateek Saxena (National Univ. of Singapore)

Jiang Ming (The Pennsylvania State Univ.); Dongpeng Xu (The Pennsylvania State Univ.); Li Wang (The Pennsylvania State Univ.); Dinghao Wu (The Pennsylvania State Univ.)

Peng Gao (Princeton Univ.); Changchang Liu (Princeton Univ.); Matthew Wright (Univ. of Texas at Arlington); Prateek Mittal (Princeton Univ.)

3:15 – 3:40

Provisions: Privacy-preserving proofs of solvency for Bitcoin exchanges

MalGene: Automatic Extraction of Malware Analysis Evasion Signature

Where's Wally? Precise User Discovery Attacks in Location Proximity Services

Jeremy Clark (Concordia Univ.); Gaby Dagher (Concordia Univ.); Benedikt Bünz (Stanford Univ.); Joseph Bonneau (Stanford Univ. & EFF); Dan Boneh (Stanford Univ.)

Dhilung Kirat (UC Santa Barbara); Giovanni Vigna (UC Santa Barbara)

Iasonas Polakis (Columbia Univ.); George Argyros (Columbia Univ.); Theofilos Petsios (Columbia Univ.); Suphannee Sivakorn (Columbia Univ.); Angelos D. Keromytis (Columbia Univ.)

3:40 – 4:00

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 8A

Outsourced Storage

Session 8B

Control Flow Integrity

Session 8C

Enhancing Trust



Session Chair - Matteo Maffei (Saarland Univ.)

Session Chair - Xinming Ou

(Univ. of South Florida)

Session Chair - Brent Kang


4:00 – 4:25

Practicing Oblivious Access on Cloud Storage: the Gap, the Fallacy and the New Way Forward

Control Jujutsu: On the Weaknesses of Fine-Grained Control Flow Integrity

SEDA: Scalable Embedded Device Attestation

Vincent Bindschaedler (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Muhammad Naveed (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Xiaorui Pan (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); XiaoFeng Wang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Yan Huang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington)

Isaac Evans (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); Fan Long (MIT CSAIL); Ulziibayar Otgonbaatar (MIT CSAIL); Howard Shrobe (MIT CSAIL); Martin Rinard (MIT CSAIL); Hamed Okhravi (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); Stelios Sidiroglou-Douskos (MIT CSAIL)

N. Asokan (Aalto Univ. and Univ. of Helsinki); Ferdinand Brasser (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Ahmad Ibrahim (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Matthias Schunter (Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Secure Computing (ICRI-SC), Darmstadt); Gene Tsudik (Univ. of California, Irvine); Christian Wachsmann (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

4:25 – 4:50

Circuit ORAM: On Tightness of the Goldreich-Ostrovsky Lower Bound

Per-Input Control-Flow Integrity

TrustOTP: Transforming Smartphones into Secure One-Time Password Tokens

Xiao Shaun Wang (Univ. of Maryland); T-H. Hubert Chan (HKU); Elaine Shi (Cornell Univ.)

Ben Niu (Lehigh Univ.); Gang Tan (Lehigh Univ.)

He Sun (College of William and Mary & Chinese Academy of Sciences); Kun Sun (College of William and Mary); Yuewu Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences); Jiwu Jing (Chinese Academy of Sciences)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 8A

Outsourced Storage

Session 8B

Control Flow Integrity

Session 8C

Enhancing Trust



Session Chair - Matteo Maffei (Saarland Univ.)

Session Chair - Xinming Ou

(Univ. of South Florida)

Session Chair - Brent Kang


4:50 – 5:15

Constant Communication ORAM with Small Blocksize

Practical Context-Sensitive CFI

Trusted Display on Untrusted Commodity Platforms

Tarik Moataz (Colorado State Univ. & Telecom Bretagne); Travis Mayberry (United States Naval Academy); Erik-Oliver Blass (Airbus Group Innovations)

Victor van der Veen (VU University Amsterdam); Dennis Andriesse (VU University Amsterdam); Enes Göktas (VU University Amsterdam); Ben Gras (VU University Amsterdam); Lionel Sambuc (VU University Amsterdam); Asia Slowinska (VU University Amsterdam, Lastline, Inc.); Herbert Bos (VU University Amsterdam); Cristiano Giuffrida (VU University Amsterdam);

Miao Yu (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Virgil D. Gligor (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Zongwei Zhou (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)

5:15 – 5:40

Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data without Additional Independent Servers

CCFI: Cryptographically Enforced Control Flow Integrity

PyCRA: Physical Challenge-Response Authentication for Active Sensors Under Spoofing Attacks

Jian Liu (Aalto Univ.); N. Asokan (Aalto Univ. and Univ. of Helsinki); Benny Pinkas (Bar Ilan Univ.);

Ali Jose Mashtizadeh (Stanford Univ.); Andrea Bittau (Stanford Univ.); Dan Boneh (Stanford Univ.); David Mazieres (Stanford Univ.)

Yasser Shoukry (UCLA); Paul Martin (UCLA); Yair Yona (UCLA); Suhas Diggavi (UCLA); Mani Srivastava (UCLA)







Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks

Session 8A

Outsourced Storage

Session 8B

Control Flow Integrity

Session 8C

Enhancing Trust


Session Chair - Matteo Maffei (Saarland Univ.)

Session Chair - Xinming Ou

(Univ. of South Florida)

Session Chair - Brent Kang


5:40 – 6:05

Transparent Data Deduplication in the Cloud

Losing Control: On the Effectiveness of Control-Flow Integrity under Stack Attacks

Clean Application Compartmentalization with SOAAP

Frederik Armknecht (Univ. of Mannheim); Jens-Matthias Bohli (NEC Laboratories Europe); Ghassan O. Karame (NEC Laboratories Europe); Franck Youssef (NEC Laboratories Europe)

Christopher Liebchen (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Marco Negro (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Per Larsen (Univ. of California, Irvine); Lucas Davi (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Stephen Crane (Univ. of California, Irvine); Mohaned Qunaibit (Univ. of California, Irvine); Michael Franz (Univ. of California, Irvine); Mauro Conti (Univ. of Padua)

Khilan Gudka (Univ. of Cambridge); Robert N.M. Watson (Univ. of Cambridge); Jonathan Anderson (Memorial Univ.); David Chisnall (Univ. of Cambridge); Brooks Davis (SRI International); Ben Laurie (Google UK Ltd.); Ilias Marinos (Univ. of Cambridge); Peter G. Neumann (SRI International); Alex Richardson (Univ. of Cambridge)

6:30 – 9:00

Conference Banquet & Award Ceremony (Colorado F – J)









Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks

6:45 – 8:00

Breakfast and Registration (Colorado Foyer and Central Registration Area)


Session 9A

Coding, Commitments & Lattices

Session 9B

Security-Related Ecosystems

Session 9C

Formal Methods Meet Cryptography

Introduction to Cryptocurrencies — Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw


Session Chair - Rei Safavi-Naini (Univ. of Calgary)

Session Chair - Amir Herzberg  (Bar-Ilan Univ.)

Session Chair – Ralph Kuesters (Univ. of Trier)

8:15 – 8:40

Falcon Codes: Fast, Authenticated LT Codes (Or: Making Rapid Tornadoes Unstoppable)

Drops for Stuff: An Analysis of Reshipping Mule Scams

Equivalence-based Security for Querying Encrypted Databases: Theory and Application to Privacy Policy Audits

Ari Juels (Cornell Tech); James Kelley (NetApp); Roberto Tamassia (Brown Univ.); Nikos Triandopoulos (RSA Laboratories & Boston Univ.)

Shuang Hao (UC Santa Barbara); Kevin Borgolte (UC Santa Barbara); Nick Nikiforakis (Stony Brook University); Gianluca Stringhini (University College London); Manuel Egele (Boston University); Michael Eubanks (Federal Bureau of Investigation); Brian Krebs (; Giovanni Vigna (UC Santa Barbara & Lastline Inc.)

Omar Chowdhury (Purdue Univ.); Deepak Garg (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems); Limin Jia (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Anupam Datta (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)

8:40 – 9:05

Fast Non-Malleable Commitments

Android Root and its Providers: A Double-Edged Sword

Automated Symbolic Proofs of Observational Equivalence

Hai Brenner (IDC Herzliya); Vipul Goyal (Microsoft Research, Bangalore); Silas Richelson (UCLA); Alon Rosen (IDC Herzliya); Margarita Vald (Tel Aviv Univ.)

Hang Zhang (Univ. of California, Riverside); Dongdong She (Univ. of California, Riverside); Zhiyun Qian (Univ. of California, Riverside)

David Basin (ETH Zurich); Jannik Dreier (ETH Zurich); Ralf Sasse (ETH Zurich)

9:05 – 9:30

White-Box Cryptography Revisited: Space-Hard Ciphers

An Empirical Study of Web Vulnerability Discovery Ecosystems

Automated Proofs of Pairing-Based Cryptography

Andrey Bogdanov (Technical Univ. of Denmark); Takanori Isobe (Sony Corporation)

Mingyi Zhao (Pennsylvania State Univ.); Jens Grossklags (Pennsylvania State Univ.); Peng Liu (Pennsylvania State Univ.)

Gilles Barthe (IMDEA Software Institute); Benjamin Grégoire (INRIA); Benedikt Schmidt (IMDEA Software Institute)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 9A

Coding, Commitments & Lattices

Session 9B

Security-Related Ecosystems

Session 9C

Formal Methods Meet Cryptography

Introduction to Cryptocurrencies — Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw


Session Chair - Rei Safavi-Naini (Univ. of Calgary)

Session Chair - Amir Herzberg  (Bar-Ilan Univ.)

Session Chair – Ralph Kuesters (Univ. of Trier)

9:30 – 9:55

Lattice Basis Reduction Attack against Physically Unclonable Functions

The Dropper Effect: Insights into Malware Distribution with Downloader Graph Analytics

Moat: Verifying Confidentiality of Enclave Programs

Fatemeh Ganji (Technische Universität Berlin); Juliane Krämer (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Jean-Pierre Seifert (Technische Universität Berlin); Shahin Tajik (Technische Universität Berlin)

Bum Jun Kwon (Univ. of Maryland); Jayanta Mondal (Univ. of Maryland); Jiyong Jang (IBM Research, Yorktown Heights); Leyla Bilge (Symantec Research Labs, France); Tudor Dumitra_ (Univ. of Maryland)

Rohit Sinha (Univ. of California, Berkeley); Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research); Sanjit Seshia (Univ. of California, Berkeley); Kapil Vaswani (Microsoft Research)

10:00 – 10:20

Coffee Break


Session 10A

Key Exchange: Theory & Practice

Session 10B

Mobile Device Attacks

Session 10C

Statistical Privacy

Introduction to Cryptocurrencies — Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw


Session Chair - Stefan Katzenbeisser (TU Darmstadt)

Session Chair - Konstantin Beznosov (U of Brit. Columbia)

Session Chair – Ting Yu (Qatar Computing Research Inst.)

10:30 – 10:55

On the Security of TLS 1.3 and QUIC Against Weaknesses in PKCS#1 v1.5 Encryption

From System Services Freezing to System Server Shutdown in Android: All You Need Is a Loop in an Application

Differential Privacy with Bounded Priors: Reconciling Utility and Privacy in Genome-Wide Association Studies

Tibor Jager (Ruhr Univ. Bochum); Jörg Schwenk (Ruhr Univ. Bochum); Juraj Somorovsky (Ruhr Univ. Bochum)

Heqing Huang (The Pennsylvania State Univ.); Sencun Zhu (The Pennsylvania State Univ.); Kai Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences); Peng Liu (The Pennsylvania State Univ.)

Florian Tramèr (EPFL); Zhicong Huang (EPFL); Erman Ayday (Bilkent Univ.); Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 10A

Key Exchange: Theory & Practice

Session 10B

Mobile Device Attacks

Session 10C

Statistical Privacy



Session Chair - Stefan Katzenbeisser (TU Darmstadt)

Session Chair - Konstantin Beznosov (U of Brit. Columbia)

Session Chair – Ting Yu (Qatar Computing Research Inst.)

10:55 – 11:20

A Cryptographic Analysis of the TLS 1.3 Handshake Protocol Candidates

Hare Hunting in the Wild Android: A Study on the Threat of Hanging Attribute References

Protecting Locations with Differential Privacy under Temporal Correlations

Benjamin Dowling (Queensland Univ. of Technology); Marc Fischlin (Technische Universität Darmstadt);  Felix Günther (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Douglas Stebila (Queensland Univ. of Technology)

Yousra Aafer (Syracuse Univ.); Nan Zhang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Zhongwen Zhang (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academic of Sciences); Xiao Zhang (Syracuse Univ.); Kai Chen (Indiana Univ. Bloomington, Chinese Academy of Sciences); XiaoFeng Wang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Xiaoyong Zhou (Samsung Research America); Wenliang Du (Syracuse Univ.); Michael Grace (Samsung Research America)

Yonghui Xiao (Emory Univ.); Li Xiong (Emory Univ.)

11:20 – 11:45

Deniable Key Exchanges for Secure Messaging

Perplexed Messengers from the Cloud: Automated Security Analysis of Push-Messaging Integrations

Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning

Nik Unger (Univ. of Waterloo); Ian Goldberg (Univ. of Waterloo)

Yangyi Chen (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Tongxin Li (Peking Univ.); XiaoFeng Wang (Indiana Univ. Bloomington); Kai Chen (Indiana Univ. Bloomington and Institute of Information Engineering, CAS); Xinhui Han (Peking Univ.)

Reza Shokri (Univ. of Texas at Austin); Vitaly Shmatikov (Cornell Tech)

11:45 – 12:10

TOPAS --- 2-Pass Key Exchange with Full Perfect Forward Secrecy and Optimal Communication Complexity

When Good Becomes Evil: Keystroke Inference with Smartwatch

Model Inversion Attacks that Exploit Confidence Information and Basic Countermeasures

Sven Schäge (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Xiangyu Liu (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong); Zhe Zhou (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong); Wenrui Diao (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong); Zhou Li (ACM Member); Kehuan Zhang (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)

Matt Fredrikson (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Somesh Jha (Univ. of Wisconsin); Thomas Ristenpart (Cornell Tech)

12:15 – 1:45

Lunch (Colorado F – J)







Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 11A

Privacy-Preserving Authentication

Session 11B

Web Attacks

Session 11C

Surveillance and Countermeasures



Session Chair - Kui Ren (Univ. of Buffalo)

Session Chair - Michael Franz (Univ. of California, Irvine)

Session Chair - Prateek Mittal (Princeton Univ.)

1:45 – 2:10

Group Signatures with Probabilistic Revocation: A Computationally-Scalable Approach for Providing Privacy-Preserving Authentication

The Clock is Still Ticking: Timing Attacks in the Modern Web

Mass-surveillance without the State: Strongly Undetectable Algorithm-Substitution Attacks

Vireshwar Kumar (Virginia Tech); He Li (Virginia Tech); Jung-Min (Jerry) Park (Virginia Tech); Kaigui Bian (Peking Univ.); Yaling Yang (Virginia Tech)

Tom Van Goethem (KU Leuven); Wouter Joosen (KU Leuven); Nick Nikiforakis (Stony Brook Univ.)

Mihir Bellare (UCSD); Joseph Jaeger (UCSD); Daniel Kane (UCSD)

2:10 – 2:35

Authenticating Privately over Public Hotspots

Cross-Site Search Attacks

HORNET: High-speed Onion Routing at the Network Layer

Aldo Cassola (Northeastern Univ. & Univ. San Francisco de Quito); Erik-Oliver Blass (Airbus Group Innovations & Northeastern Univ.);  Guevara Noubir (Northeastern Univ.)

Nethanel Gelernter (Bar-Ilan Univ.); Amir Herzberg (Bar-Ilan Univ.)

Chen Chen (ETH Zurich & Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Daniele E. Asoni (ETH Zurich); David Barrera (ETH Zurich); George Danezis (Univ. College London); Adrian Perrig (ETH Zurich);

2:35 – 3:00

SPRESSO: A Secure, Privacy-Respecting Single Sign-On System for the Web

The Spy in the Sandbox: Practical Cache Attacks in Javascript and their Implications

Caronte: Detecting Location Leaks for Deanonymizing Tor Hidden Services

Daniel Fett (Univ. of Trier); Ralf Kuesters (Univ. of Trier); Guido Schmitz (Univ. of Trier)

Yossef Oren (Columbia Univ.); Vasileios P. Kemerlis (Columbia Univ.); Simha Sethumadhavan (Columbia Univ.); Angelos D. Keromytis (Columbia Univ.)

Srdjan Matic (Universita degli Studi di Milano); Platon Kotzias (IMDEA Software Institute); Juan Caballero (IMDEA Software Institute)

3:00 – 3:25

Automating Fast and Secure Translations from Type-I to Type-III Pairing Schemes

From Facepalm to Brain Bender: Exploring Client-Side Cross-Site Scripting

(Un)linkable Pseudonyms for Governmental Databases

Joseph A. Akinyele (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Christina Garman (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Susan Hohenberger (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

Ben Stock (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg);  Stephan Pfistner (SAP SE); Bernd Kaiser (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg); Sebastian Lekies (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum); Martin Johns (SAP SE)

Jan Camenisch (IBM Research Zurich); Anja Lehmann (IBM Research Zurich)

3:30 – 4:00

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 12A

Outsourcing Data & Computation

Session 12B

Cloud, Web & Authentication

Session 12C

Side Channel



Session Chair - Nick Triandopoulos (RSA Lab & Boston Univ.)

Session Chair - Kehuan Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)

Session Chair - Adam Bates (University of Florida)

4:00 – 4:25

IntegriDB: Verifiable SQL for Outsourced Databases

Maneuvering Around Clouds: Bypassing Cloud-based Security Providers

Observing and Preventing Leakage in MapReduce

Yupeng Zhang (Univ. of Maryland); Jonathan Katz (Univ. of Maryland); Charalampos Papamanthou (Univ. of Maryland)

Thomas Vissers (KU Leuven); Tom Van Goethem (KU Leuven); Wouter Joosen (KU Leuven); Nick Nikiforakis (Stony Brook Univ.)

Olga Ohrimenko (Microsoft Research); Manuel Costa (Microsoft Research); Cédric Fournet (Microsoft Research); Christos Gkantsidis (Microsoft Research) Markulf Kohlweiss (Microsoft Research) Divya Sharma (Carnegie Mellon University)

4:25 – 4:50

A Domain-Specific Language for Low-Level Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols

The SICILIAN Defense: Signature-based Whitelisting of Web JavaScript

Mitigating Storage Side Channels Using Statistical Privacy Mechanisms

Peeter Laud (Cybernetica AS); Jaak Randmets (Cybernetica AS & Univ. of Tartu)

Pratik Soni (National Univ. of Singapore); Enrico Budianto (National Univ. of Singapore); Prateek Saxena (National Univ. of Singapore)

Qiuyu Xiao (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Michael K. Reiter (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Yinqian Zhang (The Ohio State Univ.)

4:50 – 5:15

Automated Synthesis of Optimized Circuits for Secure Computation

Seeing Your Face Is Not Enough: An Inertial Sensor-Based Liveness Detection for Face Authentication

Nomad: Mitigating Arbitrary Cloud Side Channels via Provider-Assisted Migration

Daniel Demmler (TU Darmstadt); Ghada Dessouky (TU Darmstadt); Farinaz Koushanfar (Rice Univ.); Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt); Thomas Schneider (TU Darmstadt); Shaza Zeitouni (TU Darmstadt)

Yan LI (Singapore Management Univ.); Yingjiu LI (Singapore Management Univ.); Qiang YAN (Singapore Management Univ.); Hancong KONG (Singapore Management Univ.); Robert H. DENG (Singapore Management Univ.)

Soo-Jin Moon (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Vyas Sekar (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Michael Reiter (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)








Room: Denver 1 – 3

Room: Colorado E

Room: Colorado A – D

Room: Mattie-Silks


Session 12A

Outsourcing Data & Computation

Session 12B

Cloud, Web & Authentication

Session 12C

Side Channel



Session Chair - Nick Triandopoulos (RSA Lab & Boston Univ.)

Session Chair - Kehuan Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)

Session Chair - Kun Sun (College of William & Mary)

5:15 – 5:40

Using Linearly-Homomorphic Encryption to Evaluate Degree-2 Functions on Encrypted Data


Thwarting Memory Disclosure with Efficient Hypervisor-enforced Intra-domain Isolation

Dario Catalano (Univ. of Catania); Dario Fiore (IMDEA Software Institute)


Yutao Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Tianyu Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Kexin Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.); Yubin Xia (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)

5:40 – 6:00




CCS 2015 Post-Conference Workshops, Friday October 16

6:45 – 8:00

Breakfast and Registration (Colorado Foyer and Central Registration Area)


MIST 2015

CCSW 2015

AISec 2015

CPS-SPC 2015

TrustED 2015

8:00 – 8:20

Opening Remarks & Logistics

8:20 – 8:30

Short Break for Setup

8:30 – 10:45

Session 1A

Session 1B

Session 1C

Session 1D

Session 1E

10:45 – 11:10

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)

11:10 – 12:30

Session 2A

Session 2B

Session 2C

Session 2D

Session 2E

12:30 – 2:00


2:00 – 3:40

Session 3A

Session 3B

Session 3C

Session 3D

Session 3E

3:40 – 4:00

Coffee Break (Colorado Foyer)

4:00 – 6:00

Session 4A

Session 4B

Session 4C

Session 4D

Session 4E

End of CCS 2015 Post1-Conference Workshops