Opening notes
Fazio et al.
Di Pietro and Verde
De Cristofaro and Soriente
Keynote IHeiko Trusch
Keynote IIIngrid Verbauwhede Ahmad and Tadakamadla Zhang et al. McHardy et al.
Session I: WSN Models and Frameworks (Chair: Loukas Lazos)
Phil Fazio, Keren Tan, Jihwang Yeo and David Kotz
The NetSANI framework for analysis and fine-tuning of network trace sanitization
15/06/2011 10:15 - 30 minutes
Roberto Di Pietro and Nino Vincenzo Verde
Epidemic data survivability in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks
15/06/2011 10:45 - 30 minutes
Emiliano De Cristofaro and Claudio Soriente
PEPSI: Privacy Enhancing Participatory Sensing Infrastructure
15/06/2011 11:45 - 30 minutes
Keynote I
Heiko Trusch
Wireless Sensor Applications in Aviation - Applications and Design Drivers
15/06/2011 12:00 - 60 minutes
Wireless sensors networks have the potential to become one element for weight reduction for future airplanes. Therefore current research work in this field will identify potential applications and their driver for an efficient aviation design. One of these elements is a highly secured communication as essential brick for their usage in the aircraft. Nevertheless encryption would add effort in terms of energy and operational handling that must be considered for the initial design. This presentation will focus expectation for the future use of wireless sensors for commercial aviation and will be illustrated with some interesting examples in terms of security means.
Panel (Chair: Srdjan Capkun)
Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Jochen Muedsam and Wenyuan Xu
Research in Wireless Security: Topics, Methodology, Evaluation
15/07/2011 14:30 - 90 minutes
Session II: Wireless Jamming I (Chair: Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi)
Sisi Liu, Loukas Lazos and Marwan Krunz
Thwarting Inside Jamming Attacks on Wireless Broadcast Communications
15/06/2011 16:15 - 30 minutes
Hossen Mustafa, Xin Zhang, Zhenhua Liu, Wenyuan Xu and Adrian Perrig
Jamming-Resilient Multipath Routing Leveraging Availability-Based Correlation
15/06/2011 16:45 - 30 minutes
Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders
Reactive Jamming in Wireless Networks: How Realistic is the Threat?
15/06/2011 17:15 - 30 minutes
Keynote II
Ingrid Verbauwhede
Low budget cryptography to enable wireless network security
16/06/2011 09:00 - 60 minutes
Wireless network security and its associated protocols are only possible if we can build network nodes that can perform the mathematically demanding cryptographic operations. Unfortunately, many of these sensor nodes, RFID tags and others, operate under extremely limited power and area constraints. Yet we expect that they can execute, often in real-time, the symmetric key, public key and/or hash functions needed for the protocols.
At the same time, we expect that the implementations are also secure against a wide range of physical attacks.
This presentation will focus on the implementation aspects of cryptographic operations on resource constrained devices.
To reach the extremely low power and area budgets, we need to look in an integrated way at the protocols, the algorithms, the architectures and the circuit aspects of the implementation of the security protocol.
This will be illustrated with the design of several cryptographic co-processors suitable for RFID tags.