CCS 2009 Call for Participation

Dorothy Denning
Distinguished Professor, Department of Defense Analysis
Naval Postgraduate School
Featuring 58 technical papers, on Applied Cryptography, Attacks, RFID, Privacy, Anonymization, Formal Techniques, Cloud Security, Security of Mobile Services, Security for Embedded and Mobile Devices, Systems and Networks Security, Software Security, Designing Secure Systems, Malware and Bots topics. The program also includes 5 tutorials, 12 workshops, and poster/demo session.
- Tutorial 1: Cyber Security For The Power Grid, Mel Gehrs (Gehrs Consulting), Himanshu Khurana (UIUC), and Andrew Wright (N-Dimension Solutions)
- Tutorial 2: An introduction to usable security, Jeff Yan (Newcastle University)
- Tutorial 3: Security Risk Analysis of Computer Networks: Techniques and Challenge, Anoop Singhal (NIST) and Xinming Ou (Kansas State University)
- Tutorial 4: Securing Wireless Systems, Panos Papadimitratos (EPFL)
- Tutorial 5: WebAppSec.php: Developing Secure Web Applications, Mr. Robert Zakon (Consultant)
- Assurable and Usable Security Configuration
- Digital Rights Management
- Virtual Machine Security
- Security and Artificial Intelligence
- Secure Execution of Untrusted Code
- Privacy in the Electronic Society
- Cloud Computing Security
- Digital Identity Management
- Information Security Governance
- Scalable Trusted Computing
- Secure Web Services
- Security and Privacy in Medical and Home-Care Systems
If you register for one workshop, you can attend any other workshops in the same day.
Registration for short tutorial is included in the conference registration fees.
Complete programming information, registration and hotel reservation information can be found at