For general inquiries and organization of the conference, please contact the general chair:
Virgil Gligor, University of Maryland, gligor (at) eng (d0t) umd (d0t) edu
For inquiries related to the technical program, please contact the program co-chairs:
Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL, Switzerland, jean-pierre (d0t) hubaux (at) epfl (d0t) ch
Radha Poovehdran, University of Washington, USA, rp3 (at) u (d0t) washington (d0t) edu
For questions related to proceedings, please contact the publication chair:
Gail-Joon Ahn, University of North Carolina at Charlette, USA, gahn (at) uncc (d0t) edu
For comments and questions related to the web site, please contact the publicity chair:
Peng Ning, North Carolina State University, pning (at) ncsu (d0t) edu