SESSION: Session 1: Web and Social Network Privacy
- Amirhossein Aleyasen
- Oleksii Starov
- Alyssa Phung Au
- Allan Schiffman
- Jeff Shrager
- Rima S. Tanash
- Zhouhan Chen
- Tanmay Thakur
- Dan S. Wallach
- Devika Subramanian
SESSION: Session 2: Mobile and Location Privacy
- Jagdish Prasad Achara
- Gergely Acs
- Claude Castelluccia
- Jan Camenisch
- Diego Alejandro Ortiz-Yepes
- Franz-Stefan Preiss
SESSION: Session 3: Communications Privacy I
- Marc Fischlin
- Sogol Mazaheri
- Martin Florian
- Johannes Walter
- Ingmar Baumgart
- Paul Vines
- Tadayoshi Kohno
SESSION: Session 4: Communications Privacy II
- Fatemeh Shirazi
- Claudia Diaz
- Joss Wright
SESSION: Session 5: Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis
- Vinicius V. Cogo
- Alysson Bessani
- Francisco M. Couto
- Paulo Verissimo
- Paolo Gasti
- Kasper B. Rasmussen
- Sky Faber
- Ronald Petrlic
- Gene Tsudik