SESSION: Keynote Address
SESSION: Automated Intelligence Creation and Blacklists
- Bronwyn Woods
- Samuel J. Perl
- Brian Lindauer
- Leigh Metcalf
- Jonathan M. Spring
SESSION: Information Sharing Case Studies
- Jon C. Haass
- Gail-Joon Ahn
- Frank Grimmelmann
- Stuart Murdoch
- Nick Leaver
SESSION: Foundations and Economic Models for Information Sharing
- Stefan Laube
- Rainer Böhme
- Sarah Brown
- Joep Gommers
- Oscar Serrano
SESSION: HCI and Actioning of Shared Data
- Tomas Sander
- Joshua Hailpern
- Syam Appala
- Nancy Cam-Winget
- David McGrew
- Jyoti Verma