AISec '15- Proceedings of the 8th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Keynote Address

Machine Learning for Enterprise Security

SESSION: Privacy, Learning and Security

Fast, Privacy Preserving Linear Regression over Distributed Datasets based on Pre-Distributed Data

Differential Privacy for Classifier Evaluation

Subsampled Exponential Mechanism: Differential Privacy in Large Output Spaces

SESSION: Malware and Malicious Activity

Malicious Behavior Detection using Windows Audit Logs

Better Malware Ground Truth: Techniques for Weighting Anti-Virus Vendor Labels

Remote Operating System Classification over IPv6

SESSION: Adversarial Learning and Social Networks

Automated Attacks on Compression-Based Classifiers

Thwarting Fake OSN Accounts by Predicting their Victims

Detecting Clusters of Fake Accounts in Online Social Networks