- Best Paper Award was given to Ahren Studer and Adrian Perrig (CMU) for their paper "Mobile User Location-specific Encryption (MULE): Using Your Office as Your Password"
- ACM WiSec '10 takes place in the Howe Center, 4th floor, Bissinger Room (Howe Center is Building 19 on the campus map).
- January 29, 2010: Registration is open. Travel grant information has been posted.
- December 31, 2009: Call for Posters/Demos posted.
- September 18, 2009: Submission deadline extended to September 28 (firm deadline).
- September 7, 2009: Keynote speaker information updated. We are excited to have two great keynotes
given by:
Andrew Odlyzko Philip Zimmermann - July 16, 2009: First keynote speaker information posted.
- May 22, 2009: Conference site is up and CFP is available.
About WiSec
As wireless networks become ubiquitous, their security gains in importance. The ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec) aims at exploring attacks on wireless networks as well as techniques to thwart them. The considered networks encompass cellular, metropolitan, local area, vehicular, ad hoc, satellite, underwater, cognitive radio, and sensor networks, as well as RFID.
WiSec results from the merger of three workshops:
- ESAS (European Workshop on the Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks)
- SASN (ACM Workshop on the Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks)
- WiSe (ACM Workshop on Wireless Security)
The proceedings will be published by the ACM.
Important Dates
- Paper submission: extended to September 28, 2009 (firm deadline)
- Notification of acceptance:
November 30, 2009December 7, 2009 - Camera-ready version: January 6, 2010
- Conference: March 22 - 24, 2010

Stevens Institute of Technology campus